Flood Defence - Climate Change, SECR case study

Direct Produce Supplies


The government’s policy on Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) came into force on 1 April 2019. The policy requires ‘large companies’ to report their annual energy use and greenhouse gas.

Direct Produce Services Limited met the criteria of a ‘large company’ and therefore had to report their annual energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for the financial year. SRL collated and analysed energy data from DPs and its subsidiaries, developed energy intensity ratios, and helped identify actions to increase DPS’s energy efficiency.


DPS and its subsidiaries needed to calculate their energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for the financial year in order to calculate energy intensity ratios for comparison to the previous year, so energy efficiency progress could be identified. This information then had to be reported in their Directors Report. To do this, energy consumption data had to be collected and collated for the financial year, including energy consumption attributed to resources such as electricity, water, and diesel, before converting this into kgCO2 equivalent to understand the amount of CO2 produced from this energy use.


SRL worked closely with the relevant people at DPS and their subsidiaries to collect the energy use data. We collated this data, calculated total consumption of each energy source, and then calculated the CO2 generated by this energy consumption. We calculated energy intensity ratios and compared these to the previous years’. From here, we helped identify measures that could be implemented over the next financial year to help improve energy efficiency at DPS and its subsidiaries.