HVAC Laboratory

Attenuators are vital to control HVAC noise. Designers demand accurate test data to specify ventilation products into a ventilation system.

SRL’s HVAC laboratory offers testing of attenuators for insertion loss, flow generated noise and total pressure drop.

We use the latest testing methods incorporating a modal filter to create a predominantly plane wave sound field which allows some of the most accurate test data available.

We can also test fans, louvres, compressors, almost any HVAC equipment that makes noise or attenuates noise. Our HVAC testing facility is UKAS accredited offering the highest standards of testing.

We are UKAS accredited for:

  • BS EN ISO 7235:2009

As always the SRL team are knowledgeable, capable and friendly. Every visit is pleasant and they go above and beyond when you need something.

Oliver Dean, Titon Hardware

The Bigger Picture


Whether it’s consultancy, research, testing, implementation or monitoring – or a comprehensive project involving all of these – our consultants will always deliver the optimum solutions.

The Bigger Picture


Whether it’s consultancy, research, testing, implementation or monitoring – or a comprehensive project involving all of these – our consultants will always deliver the optimum solutions.

Get in touch… call us on 01787 247595 or make an enquiry here