Site Testing

Offering many of our laboratory services on-site.

Many of our testing services can be provided at your site. This is particularly useful where your equipment or samples are built in-situ or are simply too big to transport to our main laboratory.

SRL can offer pre-completion testing (PCT) on houses and flats to demonstrate Building Regulations Approved Document E compliance. Similarly PCT of hospitals and schools.

We can measure sound power levels of large generators, and machinery using our bespoke modular testing surface or utilising a suitable area on your site.



What types of tests can be conducted on-site?


Many of the tests we conduct in the lab we can also complete on-site. We can offer pre-completion testing (PCT) on houses and flats to demonstrate Building Regulations Approved Document E compliance. We can also carry out PCT for hospitals and schools.


How long does acoustic site testing take?


The time needed for acoustic site testing depends on the site’s size and the test complexity. For most small to medium sites, testing is usually done in a day, but larger or more complex sites may take longer.


Do I need to prepare the site before testing?


Some preparation may be necessary, such as ensuring access to the testing areas, controlling environmental noise, or sealing off specific rooms for sound insulation testing. We will provide specific instructions ahead of time based on the tests being performed.


Can acoustic site testing be conducted during normal business hours?


Yes, but it’s worth bearing in mind that certain tests, like noise level or sound insulation tests, may require quieter conditions to achieve accurate results. We will work with you to schedule testing at the most appropriate times.

We are UKAS accredited for: 

  • BS EN ISO140-4 :1998
  • BS EN ISO 140-7:1998
  • EN ISO 3744:1995
  • ISO 11094 :1991
  • Directive 2000/14/EC

Very happy with testing and service.

Sara Langfield, Westex Flooring

The Bigger Picture

Whether it’s consultancy, research, testing, implementation or monitoring – or a comprehensive project involving all of these – our consultants will always deliver the optimum solutions.

The Bigger Picture

Whether it’s consultancy, research, testing, implementation or monitoring – or a comprehensive project involving all of these – our consultants will always deliver the optimum solutions.

Get in touch… call us on 01787 247595 or make an enquiry here