Transportation case study
A47 – North Tuddenham to Easton, and Blofield to North Burlingham
As part of National Highway’s programme to improve the A47, Galliford Try Infrastructure were appointed to upgrade several stretches of the highway to dual carriageway, between North Tuddenham and Easton (west of Norwich), and between Blofield and North Burlingham (east of Norwich). Works also involved partial realignment of the highway, new overbridges and new junctions.
SRL were appointed to prepare S61 (Control of Pollution Act 1974) Applications, for submission to the relevant Local Authorities, and provide noise and vibration monitoring services to support the Applications and satisfy consequent S61 Consent conditions.
The combined distance of the two schemes was approximately 15km, and therefore the number of receptors potentially affected were significant, and spread across several Local Authority boundaries. Accordingly, an understanding of baseline noise conditions was required along the length of the works.
A portion of the works also required to be undertaken during road closures and therefore during evening, weekend and night-time periods, thus increasing the potential risk of disturbance.
The programme of works extended for several years, and therefore S61 consent was required to be maintained throughout that period.
A comprehensive baseline noise survey was undertaken between North Tuddenham and Easton. Baseline noise information relating to the works between Blofield and North Burlingham was acquired from the related Environmental Statement.
This information was used to inform the S61 Applications, subsequently prepared for both schemes, and ultimately consented by the relevant Local Authorities without onerous conditions.
Continuous noise, and ad hoc vibration monitoring, was undertaken at carefully selected receptor locations along the route of both schemes during the works. Acting as a noise management tool, this allowed Galliford Try to understand where and when elevated noise and / or vibration levels were being measured, allowing for prescribed actions to be undertaken to minimise any local disturbance.