Acoustics case study

Bonus Arena, Hull


SRL worked with BAM Construction to provide full acoustic design support for the venue, from RIBA Stage 3 through to completion. The venue’s location in central Hull, close to hotels and existing sensitive receptors meant that the building shell needed to be carefully designed to control noise break out. Bespoke roof and external wall build ups were designed to allow appropriately high internal noise levels to be generated within the auditorium with no adverse impact to the surrounding environment.


Internally, the design of the venue is focused on flexibility. The auditorium includes Europe’s second largest moveable acoustic partition. The folding wall separates the main theatre from the 800-seat upper tier auditorium which caters for smaller conferences and events. There are also purpose built VIP suites and green rooms to allow private events to run concurrently with events in the auditorium.


We did extensive acoustic modelling of the auditorium with various seating arrangements and sub-division configurations to guide BAM on the optimum quantities and locations of acoustic panelling required to achieve the project’s reverberation time criteria. Our design has resulted in a venue with an acoustic environment suitable for multiple uses, including live music concerts, comedy, conferences and exhibitions. It has been praised by both public and performers for its excellent acoustic performance.